The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Emergency Cat Blip

Cats are on my mind right now.

I spoke to my parents today about how Honey is doing.  They were at the vet who said she had failing kidneys and thyroid issues amongst other things.  Honey was dehydrated so she gave her fluids.

She is just being really clingy to my parents and just wanting to snuggle up next to them now and she is trying little bits of food and eating the gravy (which is where cats do tend to get their water intake) but I don't think her appetite is picking up at all.

As she isn't in distress I have asked my parents to get the blood tests tomorrow to confirm the vet's diagnosis and then we need to consider next steps.  While she doesn't seem upset/ distressed I want them to just continue to care for her but when she seems like she is in pain/ distress/ discomfort then we will do the needful.

I am very sad - it is so selfish but I want her to hang on because I am going home at the end of January and I want to see her again but I don't want her to be in pain/ upset.  She is 16 years old which is a fair old age for a cat.  My parents will call me tomorrow so let's see what that brings.

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