Lali's World

By Lali

Tree web

This morning I woke up far too late. It was great to have a good sleep but it made me late for everything and I had so many things to do!

I went to the gym today, as I usually do on my days off. On my way back, it was already dark and it was raining a little bit. The water droplets on this tree, as they were lit up by the lamp behind, gave the impression of a spider web, or so i thought anyway... Maybe I'm a bit strange, i don't know... :)

After the gym, I went to Tesco's to do my food shopping and later on I met a friend of mine to help him write his personal statement for his application for university. He invited me to a pizza as a thanks, which was nice.

I'll be working all weekend :(

It's rather late now and I'm going soon to bed, so I'll have to catch up with you tomorrow, I'm afraid.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts! I hope you all had a nice day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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