Where did he go?

I took this picture of Dillon today as he was looking out the front window waiting for my husband to come back.  He jumps up on the back of the sofa as soon as Bob leaves the house and he watches him pull away in the car.  Then the whimpering starts.  Until he sees another dog, cat, squirrel or person walking down the street and he starts barking and jumping on and off the sofa.
He is an excellent jumper by the way.  He can almost jump up into my arms from the floor.  It's like he has springs in his paws.  Listen to me going on about him like he's my baby.  Well, he is in a way. 
Some good news for a change.  The injection I had is working and I had no pain today!  Also, a trip that my husband's company is rewarding him with is now possible for us to attend since I am doing better.  Puerto Rico here we come!!!

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