Master Chef

This morning I made an early start on a bit of grounds work,Trimmed the edges and mowed the Mojave Desert well that's what our lawn looks like no rain hot days and water restrictions has dried everything up. Marie is very tired at the moment, for me I go to bed and then I can't sleep. I sprayed the weeds tonight when it cooled down. Tonight I was Master Chef well maybe a fitter turner, I made a salad with Lettuce, Apple, Grated Cheese, Grated Carrot, Spring onion and tomato and a bacon and egg butty for my dinner. Blippers in NZ check out the Blip meet next Sunday in Christchurch special thanks to gingernan who has organised a venue and and local Blippers. Marie and I are staying in Christchurch for the full duration of her radiation treatment which means we get Saturday and Sunday off, this saves us the discomfort of traveling home on Friday afternoon and traveling back to Christchurch on Sunday. This will be the first time we have spent so much time in Christchurch where we can do things in a relaxed fashion. If you are in Chch and can't make the Sunday we would love to catch up and meet you, you can call me on the Bat phone 0272341390 

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