The Poss

By PossMan


Can't believe it's still so cold, wet, and miserable. More snow on the Ben today. Government efforts to push back global warming really are having the desired (by some) effect. Mrs P, always a cynic in these matters, tells me that one of her duties at school is to check all the lunchboxes and every week send a report to office of how many contain ungreen items such as clingfilm or foil. She makes a point of telling pupils to tell their mums "THIS IS NOT HER IDEA". The school is after a "green flag". Next academic year someone will probably decide they need not just numbers but a record of ungreen pupils' names to be sent to Edinburgh HQ. Anyway if ever I blip Beachy Head you'll know I've just had my last fuel bill - judging by the size of recent ones I suspect my CH boiler is singlehandedly heating the whole world. Even the birds look pretty miserable most of the time. But here's a chaffinch pottering about before the glaciers advance.

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