
By PJG844

Cold & Wet

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that in every public house therein resides someone who knows everything. A conversation that incorporates any statement of fact will be interrupted by a voice, possibly belonging to a stranger, exclaiming “No, no, no, no, no”.

But there is one thing that this person will not be able to answer. It is is a question that has stymied philosophers and mathematicians for aeons. It is something that Fermat trembled to consider. And it is this: How many fireman does it take to get a cow out of a bog? Well, I know. Fourteen, with three fire tenders.

3M took this picture a couple of weeks before I dipped my toe into the murky waters of Blipfoto but it was such an event I had to add this. I mean, it was major news for the island so how can I not include it.

I have referred to this incident a couple of times, this being Piegi getting herself well and truly sunk in the mud. It was up to her shoulders and by the time she was spotted in the morning she was practically exhausted. We became aware of her predicament by the voice of her owner echoing around the glen with the immortal words “Oh, you silly cow”.

For those that don't know, Piegi is fine and as obstreperous as ever.

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