
By SueV

Better Late than Never

The sun that is. Last night we had the stormiest weather we have had for some time. Very windy, heavy rain. The dog was at her wits end most of the night (she hates rattles and bangs) Anyhow it all calmed down mid afternoon after a few more blizzards. Some damage to the flat roof but not much. Dustbin - probably on another planet. And the day to end all days for aspiring 'wooders' everywhere notably two very large trees on the road out of Staffield opposite each other, one of which had its trunk snapped clean in half. The road was well and truly blocked. Good job nobody was passing at the time. Would be 'Wooders' were sharpening their tools everywhere and preparing for a long trog up the hill eyeing up each others equipment when just like a vision the Council turned up with two low loaders and six 'not to be messed about with' chain saw operators. Then suddenly an hour or so later it was all done and dusted ,loaded onto the lorries and gone  leaving only scraps. The council can be very efficient when they want.

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