The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Best buds, Pam and me......

Well not exactly best buds, but I was very happy to meet one of my artistic idols.
My birthday and Xmas pressie, rolled into one.
I was welcomed into the inner sanctum of her home to collect this and was given a cup of coffee and a biscuit too. It seemed only right that I also bought some more Xmas presents from her, which she then proceeded to to sign and gave me a good discount to boot.

Thanks Pam.

After my journey to north of Glasgow, I headed east to my parent's home and was entertained to their Xmas party dancing. Santa was there too ( I think).... but he did seem to wiggle his padded bottom a bit too much for my liking. Mum and Dad enjoyed the accordion  music and a little dance. Mum ...with me, Dad with the youngest blonde carer in the room.

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