Blue Angels Take Note

Perfect formation, landing gear down, flying  practically wing tip to wing tip -- how talented are these trumpeter swans anyway!  (I checked the bird book, Mary Jo -- they're not snow geese after all).

My best blip buddy Mary Jo and I drove all over three counties today looking for birds.  We found eagles, goldeneye ducks, red tailed hawks, trumpeter swans and eagles eating trumpeter swans (not a pretty sight), long-eared owls and one double crested cormorant.  It was obviously a red-letter day in terms of finding what we were looking for.   The down side was that the weather was not very cooperative.  It was a really grey day, very foggy with misty rain off and on and absolutely no sun so we were restricted to very atmospheric, dramatic foggy shots which have their own appeal as far as I'm concerned.  It doesn't help for detail on the target bird up in a tree, but we did manage to get close enough to the rare long-eared owl which was a thrill.  (Check MaryJo's blip today). 

(The un-editable thumbnail situation certainly isn't helping my blip  I hope Blip Central is going to fix that.)

It was actually tough to pick a blip but I went for the one that made me laugh.  My second choice was the picture I took of MaryJo and the half-dozen other photographers waiting patiently for the long-eared owl to do something.  There were a couple of pros there with outfits the size of the Hubble telescope (well, almost).  Now we're talking about another trip to the camera store.  Somebody stop us. 

Okay, I've finally caught up on my back blips, so I can relax.  Not sure how that happened, but I hate to get behind.  A couple of late nights getting home, bad weather, etc. 

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