Blether's Day #4

" Evelyn got the 22 all the way from Shandwick Place so she only had to change buses once at the top of Leith know Evelyn, Evelyn with the thumbs, uh-huh.... ..but Margaret missed the 22 and ended up on the 34 which meant she had to swap buses twice and it being Sunday of course the service was only every half hour so there she was, Margaret, in the wind and rain waiting for the 22 and who should drive past but Trevor in his new know Trevor the nice man with the gold teeth and the steely look in his eye.......well, I think it was his new car, it was blue anyway, but he didn't see her standing there in the wind and rain so Margaret had to wait the whole half hour for the 22, anyway she finally got to the church only to see the 22, no the 34, standing right outside her house it had broken down you, oh......I'm actually a bit worried, I've been sleeping for ages way after the time I normally get up I'm sleeping so long now that I've got no time to clean the house from top to bottom as I normally do every other day.....I wake up at 7.30 these days I mean it's practically midday, I get nothing done...would you like a biscuit?"
"No? So there was Margaret at the bus stop........."

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