
By SC26

Dolphin or Torpedo

Another ridiculously early start for a Saturday to make it to the pool for 7.30am for our synchro lesson, tearing through the water doing dolphins and torpedoes. Luckily, I'm enjoying the sport way more than I was expecting and we learnt a handful of new moves today. I also stubbed my toe twice on the bottom of the pool, ouch.

One advantage of being up early is having so many more hours in the day and getting so much done! G and I finalised details for our hen/stag weekender, cleaned the flat and went for a very blustery walk, until the threat of the black clouds drove us back home. We decided to go for dinner in the eve, but passed on a follow-up pint in order to get home to watch Ghost! The special effects haven't really stood the test of time....

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