
By cowgirl

These are a few of my favourite things!

Despite the wind, Emma and I were able to get her Port and Nelson out for a ride.

When we got back, the kitchen was full of people waving at us - Sav had popped over on his motorbike and Rachel had arrived with the kids.

Whilst Rachel and her dad went to start milking, Emma and I had coffee and entertainment with the kids. Mary now calls herself " Miss Hemphill " and addresses her brother by his full first name, both quite a mouthful, so I was quite impressed.

Grandma Jean got out the books of wedding photos from the double wedding of Rachel and Lou to their hubbies - Mary, sorry, Miss Hemphill, was a bit put out that mummy dressed like a princess, went to church and had a party with daddy without her!

I pointed out that we also had a party after church with her ( her Christening ) and she brightened up when she remembered that she also dressed like a princess then, in a long white dress.

More scary news about Alex though - he's been fitting again and has had 3 days in hospital. However, having come round from his fit by the time the ambulance arrived, he travelled to hospital making " brum, brum " noises, mimicking the engine. He seemed bright enough today and when I left, he was pushing his little trolley around, making " brum, brum " noises!

The collage shows Nelson all snuggled in his rug after our ride, Miss Hemphill and Ba-byes and Alex in mono because his daddy doesn't like him in colour when he's wearing his sisters old clothes!

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