From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

You could have washed your tail!!

No wonder the gargoyle looks a bit green.

Anyway, today was a typical Sunday doing all the things you don't want to be bothered with in the week.

I watched 'The Voice' recorded from last night and then phoned mom to ask her how the weather was. I already knew from another source, but it's always good to talk. She had not left the house for two days thanks to the wild windy weather. Everything is fine anyway. There have been no power cuts and the telly works!

Just while I was typing this, my mobile rang and it was mom's neighbour - Dot - phoning from Florida. It's a long story so I won't bother. Dot and her husband Jim live in the apartments joined onto mom's house. Dad used to look after their flat and send their mail onto Florida when Dot and Jim are in America for 6 months. Mom does that now and fills the fridge and turns up the heating just before they return in March. Dot apologised for ringing and said she preferred to ring me as she knows mom won't answer the phone after 5pm. First I'd heard!

Dot had heard from Florida that the wind was 100mph in Ayr and loads of slates had fallen off the roof so she had organised for a local Ayr builder to check Dot's roof and thought mom would like her roof checked too. I will tell mom tomorrow. I suppose it's nice that someone looks out for you in Scotland when you might be missing a few slates, even if you are in America...

Thank goodness no one had died!

Track? Still in Paul Weller mode, here is one of my favourite songs - You Do Something To Me

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