With Love

A good day!  An early morning sangha followed by breakfast at The Haven. It's not quite as good as my favourite café, but it's awfully good.  I then did some prep for Japan.  I haven't booked a single thing yet but feel like I'm getting closer to actually making informed decisions...

Dr T and I then went to see Birdman.  What a film!  As LadyG says, it's completely absorbing. It doesn't take you by the scruff of your neck so much as sneak up on you and then take you on a roller coaster ride.  I rarely want to talk about a film afterwards but I really did with this one so we went for a cuppa and I found my blip - an unexpected bonus.

This song has been going around and around my head and needs to be shared.  Admit it - you know all the words...

Much love to you blip poppets while we all struggle to understand the events in Paris.  I heard a great bit on the radio this morning from the Norwegian Prime Minister after the Anders Breivik attack. He said we will meet this hatred with love.  

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