
I had high hopes for a very productive Monday.
Those hopes were dashed.
Primarily by my laziness and lack of motivation to do anything!!
I went to school in my gym stuff planning to go to the gym after dropping the Little Misses off.
I told myself I'd go later.
And never did.
I had a long to-do list - which hilariously included making a list of daily, weekly, monthly jobs! - and hardly did any of it.
I put the laundry mountain away and made my list of daily jobs (tomorrow I will be dusting the kitchen and hoovering the entire house!)
I did Day 1 of the 30 Day Ab Challenge (because Madchickenwoman made me!!)
It's not looking good for Day 30!
I called the letting agents to tell them that the kitchen tap wouldn't turn off and it was gushing out at full speed and could they come and fix it please.
Suddenly it was 3.30pm and time to get Miss E for swimming!
Not the most productive day I've ever had!!
And to cap it all at 7pm I had to bundle the Little Misses into the car and go to Milton Keynes station to pick up Mr K. Late trains meant he missed the connection with the bus and would have had to wait an hour for the next one. Wonderful wife that I am I offered to go and get him.
I wonder if tonight might be a good time to get him to book us on a cruise later in the year.......
Hee hee!

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