
By SnaphappySally

Prodigal Cat

Today we had the phone call we hoped to get but never dreamed to expect. My old grey tabby cat has been found well- in fact positively blooming- after 9 months!
He walked out last April - for the third time in a year.
The previous two times he has been found and returned by kind people via the microchip after / only / a few months... But this time we had resigned ourself to him not coming home again. He hasn't coped well with the move from my previous house, despite being house bound as suggested for several weeks each time. He appears to settle well, lives amongst us and doesn't stray- THEN,... One day he just ups and offs. The first time it happened we scoured the neighbourhoid, put posters up, went back to the old house, and my son even staked out gardens on tip offs. The second time we registered him missing and hoped... this last time we stopped hoping about September last year. It just goes to show.
Welcome "home" Jonny. For as long as you like.

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