In the moment..

By MoshersMoll

Olen Suomen mestari!

Well, not yet, but I hope to be getting closer by the end of this Finnish language course. I started my second course at evening school tonight in Juhannuskylän koulu in Tampere. I enjoyed the socialising aspect of my previous school but the teaching methods left a lot to be desired.

A few nervous butterflies to be starting again at a new school and meeting a whole bunch of new people, plus worrying that I had chosen a level which was too advanced for me as I flicked through the coursebook on my journey there, but all was fine. I was surprised how much I understood. The teacher spoke in Finnish for 99 % of the 2 and a half hour lesson, so I was really rather pleased! 

I uploaded the wrong photo in haste yesterday. It should have been this one; Solitude.

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