S1 - Another Day

By S1

Round 3 of immunisations

And luckily it will be the last set for a few months. LJ was excellent - only crying while the needle was in his legs but as soon as it was all over he was busy smiling at the nurses!

Afterwards we headed home to have a quiet afternoon, just in case LJ had a reaction but instead of LJ getting a tempature CJ's started to climb and his ear started leaking again. So after a quick call to the doctors, we rushed down there do CJ could been squeezed in before they closed.

A quick look in his ear confirmed that his ear infection hadn't been cleared up by the ear spray and another course of antibiotics was prescribed.
When we got home and I was expecting LJ to start feeling the effects of his immunisations and turn a little grumpy but he was just as happy as normal, busy giggling and smiling while CJ had his dinner and for the rest of the night! He even went to sleep with no problems, unlike poor CJ, whose ear was clearly bothering him a little.

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