A small blizzard

A very enjoyable evening out last night - delicious food (filo pastry pie, flaming mincemeat brioche); and some entertaining conversation. Topics included: the joys of bathing (mixed opinions); whether the human need for God(s) is inbuilt and when did it start (yes, for extistental reasons and way back); the 11+ (trauma; riduculous questions if you have a creative mind); whether robins sing for you (of course, though not all agreed);  punishments doled out in our school days (severe and humiliating); environmental state of the world and nuclear power (opinions strong but divisive);  the need for adventure when you hit 60 (sounds good to me); the joys of Spotify and discovery of new music and many other diverse topics.

Today the weather has been wild. A small blizzard erupted out of nowhere. Freezing, windy with snow on the mountains. I went off for a long swim (indoors!), sauna and jacuzzi. The forecast for tomorrow is even worse - gales all day and tons of rain.

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