
I have made a bit of a boob!!

Looking at teaching resources websites I noted one said 'Roald Dahl Day'. I saw the 13th and the brain registered it was today. So I told the children today before I read another chapter of the BFG and said if he was still alive he would be 99 today. In fact his birthday is 13th September!!! So I am 4 months late (or 8 months early) to wish Mr Dahl a happy birthday. The children loved Fantastic Mr Fox when I read it to them earlier in the year and are now getting really into the BFG, which has some real tongue twisters in. So you still get my planned blip!!

Brief update on Mr C's knee. Check up today confirmed PCL is repairing but the MCL is not making good progress. PCL brace is off but he is back in knee support brace but this one he can take off for showers and night time. Possible surgery at a later date but the DVT has to be sorted first. He can now wear his sexy stockings to help with this. His leg is still swollen and his calf is very red and sore looking but this should all start to get better now the 'permanent' brace is off.

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