Through My Eyes!

By kevreid

Memorial Fire

I was hoping the forecasters were going to be right for the planned photo this evening,, but as usual, the winter storm of the year with countless inches of Snow promised by the tv weather man never arrived!
So it was on for plan B when Mrs R got in from her evening run I decided to see what the water situation was down at the River Tay, It was almost full tide, but there were no waves that could give me an exciting action shot with the lights of Dundee in the background, So i reverted back up the path to the Tay bridge memorial which i've blipped a few times, but decided to use the theme of Fire again, This time a 30 second exposure with manual focusing, the burning rope this time was a 22mm rope soaked in paraffin, it allowed me three 30 second exposures before it burnt out which actually looked pretty good on the viewfinder. I also decided to walk in front of the memorial this time and drag the fire along the ground, all within the 30 second exposure, although it actually looks like it was a couple of feet high and almost on top of the memorial. I'm actually 6feet away from the memorial with the rope, the captured burning trails just look so much closer and of course it looks entirely engulfed in the flames.
Suffice to say that just as i was packing up , the snow promised earlier in the day decided to make a brief appearance , and by the time i'd gone the 500 feet home , the snow had stopped!
Still, Weather man tonight was saying more tomorrow, so who knows!

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