The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal


After a somewhat grueling trip, we ended up in Banff, Alberta, Canada in the middle of the night, at least 7 hours after we were supposed to, tired and without any luggage because that luggage had decided to do the same trip in a more relaxed manner. As on this first day we still were positively minded that our stuff and ski's would arrive somewhere that day (desk girl: "You'll sure have your luggage today - 98% of all delayed luggage gets reunited with their owners within 24 hours!" I should have realized then that there are also people making out the other 2%...), we decided to take our time acclimatizing exploring the town of Banff in the Canadian Rockies. It later proved to be the most atmospheric of all towns we would go to, and surely the liveliest. And the scenery wasn't bad either...

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