As The Crow Flies

When the snows come down from the north there is usually fair warning. The distance from Skerries is to Carlingford at the foot of the Mournes is 56 miles or 32 as the crow flies. The snow will hit the Mournes first and drift down towards us as shown in the photo which I took on Balbriggan harbour this afternoon. I was there to watch the razor shells being loaded for Dublin airport. They are flown out to the Far East every morning at 6:30am for an anticipating market. For some reason they are seldom eaten here.

I had spent the afternoon scouting for prospects for my Derelict Thursday blip as I had promised Fluffikens I would find here some prospects in County Meath. We will travel there on Thursday morning, weather permitting, to where I have a few in mind. When I travel with the hunts I come across them but am often hazy as to where they are after frenetic driving down the lanes to get ahead of the hunt pack in time to position myself at a tricky jump likely to provide a few fallers....just saying

Country Roads

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