A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And so it goes on.

Back at the hospital he has been upgraded to severe concussion and downgraded to complete bed rest including zero audiobooks. Light chatting is allowed. He has two days to make significant improvement before we have to go back. There will also be a minimum of 3 weeks off contact sports and a gradual return after that to any exercise. But we will all be happier when we are worrying about that bit. As you can imagine he is thoroughly fed up and missing the outside world. Though all things considered he is keeping his spirits up well and I was glad I managed to capture a moment of laughter.

As for me, I have decided there is littlw point even pretending to work and am focusing my energies on making him delicious meals. Partly as it is the highlight of his day and his only real pleasure and partly as it is something practical I can be doing.

The alternative would be daytime drinking and I'm not sure that would really help anyone. Carl and I do have a night planned at the cinema. We're both very torn about going but we will be leaving him in Peri's lovely and very capable hands and I think the distraction might be good for a couple of hours. And I think it is a comedy but I must check...

My goal is for a cheery blip tomorrow folks.

Lesley x

EDIT - And another amazing Dr with the added irony that they had just come from a 2 hour teaching session on concussion!

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