School commute!

Yippee! Finally got some snow today. (well last night really.)

I love it. And it meant that we could finally get the sledge out again.

They giggled all the way to school, whilst throwing snowballs at my bottom! (easy target!)

It was a total shame for Ozzy. His little legs caked on solid snowballs. I kept stopping him and trying to get them off him. But within minutes he was totally packed up again.

His own little 'D'ugg Boots !!! (that was a joke one of my friends made earlier today!) (hope that link works!)

Jamie and I went sledging after nursery and then after school we took Ru to. But it was a bit sparse by then, at least he got a proper shot though!

Jamie got the giggles soooo much that he peed himself!... At least it was warm!
Didn't stay too long after that!!!

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