Snow Down Under

By snowy


My little IPhone served me admirably for 364 days, but on day 365, it failed me & I goofed up ! I was in the middle of my valedictory comment, the phone rang, I jumped up, & it fell, upside down on the floor . Somehow the 'publish' button got pressed, when only half written. I was mortified !
I thank you sincerely for all your goodwill messages which I loved reading. You really are a very loving, caring community.........but I loved my time out.........I now read the paper from cover to cover, I'm in the middle of a book, AND I get to bed an hour earlier. It is all good. Naturally, I'm busy in the garden. I still look at your blips & marvel at your time & energy - you are a wonderful group of friends.
I have decided, on the 15th of each month, from the exact same spot, I will put up a blip, hopefully showing you (& me) the seasons, as they change.
Looking through the glass, this is my view from my kitchen/Living room. Very gloomy today because it is grey & overcast. The maple in the middle is showing the first tiny sign of colour, but otherwise all is brown & parched.
On day 365, it was very exciting to discover Aussie blipper Cymbeline from the Blue Moutains, in the garden. She, very astutely, asked if I was Snowy ! Being a good friend of Walking Wombat, it was truly wonderful to catch up with all the Aussie news. Thank you Cymbeline for calling. You made my day.
And so until the 15th...................

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