A Dog's Dinner

By G

This American Life

One of the benefits of riding the bus is that it does give you the time to listen to some interesting stuff on the iPod.

I'm a bit of a radio fan so when a blipper, I can't remember who, recommended This American Life from the Chicago Public Radio I thought I would give it a chance.

At a time when the rest of the world's opinion of the American administration is at it 'slowest ever, it's easy to forget that the United States is a country full of decent people, living decent lives trying the best they can.

That why This American Life is so good.

Today I listened to the best explanation I've heard of the banking crisis yet, from the voices of ordinary Americans on Wall Street, Main Street in factories and homes.

Great stuff and highly recommended.

.....and all the buses arrived and departed on time. No problems.

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