
By richardg

Mr Tree.

Dear Mr Tree,
As I consider myself a relative newcomer to blip I decided I would wait for one month to pass before making comment on the new site. I very quickly became addicted to this drug. I did love it the way it was. Along with many others I am struggling to get used to the changes. I like the increased speed of uploading and commenting .I do not like the new white background which I find harsh on my eyes. I do not like that I cannot view all of an image without scrolling. To "view large" [that is a contradiction in terms if ever there was] does work but takes time and already I spend quite some time blipping. I very much agree with these comments others have made : "somehow the magic has gone", "doesn't seem as user friendly", "disheartened",  " I don't hate it it but it is hard to see myself ever loving it like I did the previous version".Messages from blipcentral have reassured us that you are still working on the site so I do hope you can recapture the old magic. I won't be leaving blip anytime soon  as I very much want to achieve the consecutive 365  and I do love the supportive community which blip is. 
Thanks for creating the site , thanks for listening and I do hope you are able to appease some of our concerns.

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