Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

It Was Wild!!

What a night last night howling gales thunder and lightening (even though surge protected I did leg it down stairs to the sitting room and unplugged the phone line!!) and it was still like it for morning feeding. I could barely get into the shed to get the feed as the huge doors were being blown shut by the wind. I had collies dashing everywhere at the thunder and lightening. Ended up shutting them in an old pick that's in the yard to keep them safe until walkies time! In the open sided shed where I have the tups and feed the horses it was like a hurricane and everything was rattling and banging! Trying to take silage round to the shed was a major test of patience as it went whisking off the barrow and away! I went down to feed the in-bye sheep and the wee burn that is at the gate to the field was a raging torrent deeper than my wellies and wider than the length of the pick up. I had to go up stream and make a giant leap to cross it! Only half the main lot of ewes turned up for feeding and I had to walk (we have no quad bike, just a wheelbarrow) quite a way to get out of the wind and onto any remotely dry ground to put the feed out. That was after wading across the flooded track of course. Everywhere was just flowing water the fields, the hills, the track. It was really hard work this morning even walking the dog was a trial! I was glad when it was all done and I was inside drying off with a cup of tea.

This afternoon it finally calmed down and I went beating again with Dris, the sun even came out. I took this picture at the beginning of the shoot. I did have one from my phone of the flooded driveway but decided its more optimistic to put this one on and I really liked the light in it. The wind is sitting at 30mph westerly just now and is due to swing a bit more northerly which will make it hit the front of the farmhouse a bit and bring colder weather with it.

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