Have you got the time

Today I popped into town to get my watch fixed. This is Erdal, watch fixer an "Shoe Legend". Being friendly & helpful, I told him about Blip & asked if I could take his photo. I struggle to do training sessions & speaking engagements without my watch .... it does more than keep me on time, it also helps me know where I am in my session & where I'm going .... just by telling the time.

The first known devices for telling the time were created by the Egyptians around 1500BC.
More accurate clocks followed in 1500AD where Italian monks are said to have developed a clock so they knew what time to pray.
Today's watches came into existence during the Tudor reign in the 16th century. The watches were so large that people wore them around their necks.
During WW1 men wore watches on their wrists rather than on a chain around their neck making it easier to tell the time without moving their hands.
In most watches catalogues and in-store displays you’ll find the time is displayed as ten minutes past ten o’clock or ten minutes to two o’clock. It’s “Happy Time”, the clock is smiling, a marketing tool to encourage you to feel good.

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