
By MaybeDailyBob

Silk Route

Not the 4,000 miles that is the historical network of interlinking trade routes across the Asia with the Mediterranean and European world. This is silk on a loom that will become a scarf, or rather one of two scarves.
A trip to Stroud today for the Textile Festival. We met our niece at the museum for a look at some of the exhibits in the festival. After we all went off for lunch and then she went to a lecture on restoration and we looked round the rest of the exhibits in Stroud. We were both a bit disappointed it did not seem as good as the last time we went; maybe because our niece and the rest of her Uni year group were not exhibiting.
On the way back we went to see some of the exhibits in Cirencester. We found Sarah Beadsmore's studio. She was lovely explaining techniques and letting me take some photos. It was getting to the end of the day so I am sure she would really have liked to be getting off home. Her website is here.

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