
By irunlykagirl


are a learned part of growing.  Which skills & when are the challenges.

But somethings are never too early to learn - like booking flights for holidays on the correct date, making a good chocolate milk, serving morning tea on the patio, making a great cup of coffee & ironing. Not that I like the last one, but it is important.

SS had difficulty with the coffee skill was terrible, so much so that it resulted in a coffee bag (because it's pretty hard to mess that up).  Morning tea was served with a chocolate eclair & custard tart..the tarts consistency was a hard sell, but in the end it tasted just like Judy's custard (out of a bottle)....tell that to the baker who was up at 3am making them -lol-

Up before the sun sorting out the holiday dilemma. Then I went to work. 

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