My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Off to the v-e-t again

Took Mrs Rossi-cat to see the vet this morning.

Last month when they both had their teeth cleaned, they also had a routine blood test. One of the parameters of Mrs Rossi-cat's kidney test was a bit out so the vet wanted to repeat it today. The lower picture is Jesse, the vet, taking blood with a syringe. He also took a urine sample from her bladder with another needle. We'll find out the results either later today or on Monday.

She was a scared little cat but also a very brave and well-behaved one too.

Home and back to normal now... apart from a new bald patch on her front.

Update (5:30pm): Just had a call from the vet to say that all is well. Mrs Rossi-cat's results are perfectly normal. Hooray!

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