Wallpapering over the cracks

Edwardian House.

Edwardian Wallpaper? Who knows? Not me. In my mind's eye all the Edwardian households had wallpaper like this in their downstairs privy.

Today at a glance:

Porridge in a bag (how lazy can you get)
Trip to the tip (underlay in No. 8, mate)
Library (told off for not having my card by very funny, jolly lady)
Waitrose (free paper you see and skinny soup on offer)
Trip to Maplin's  (expensive batteries for a bank security device)
Hardware shop (paint scraper and wallpaper paste)
Peacocks (some very, very, very cheap, unattractive but ridiculously warm slippers)
Home - Bacon Sandwich
Sort out shed
Make pizza dough
Wallpaper downstairs toilet (2 feet short of getting it done in one roll)
Listen to dub very loud - it's Saturday and everything is good


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