A Misty Morning at Spring Lake

We were quite a crew getting out of the car at Spring Lake this morning. The minute I opened my door, Rudy, who had been sitting on my lap, decanted himself from the car, while Dana unfastened Blake from his seat belt (yes, the seat belt goes through his harness) while John let Ozzie out of the back of the car with his stick.

This was Blake's first training walk in a public place, and Dana set a blistering pace. By the time we had gotten a third of the way around the lake, with it's bicycles, skateboarders, strollers big dogs, little dogs and people who wanted to stop and talk about how cute he is, Blake had  reached the limits of his puppy powers concentration, and Dana turned back. Rudy wasn't about to go anywhere with us when Dana was going somewhere else with the interloper, so he went back too.

The lake was very murky and full of leaves, tree limbs and mud, but there were still people out in boats fishing. The vegetation has been well cut back, giving the shoreline a severely shorn look. Although the views of the lake were improved, I couldn't get a good shot of the ducks. A Merganser trolled for fish and the buffleheads bobbed under, disappearing entirely for long periods, and coming up a long way from where they went under. My admiration for wildlife photographers is without limit.

I spent the afternoon trying to paint a card for a Berkeley friend who had surgery on Thursday for a brain tumor. Her husband posted a picture of her sitting up in her hospital bed, arms raised, wearing a Wonder Woman t-shirt and a big smile on her face under her crown. Wonder Woman indeed. She gives new meaning to the words….

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