Pure and Simple

Thats what my blip is tonight - pure white and simple photography.

Dawned a gorgeous morning, late getting up then bacon and eggs for a leisurely breakfast.

I rang our old pals to see if the would be on for a"get together" today - Yes were the replies, OMG and what will I do for lunch.  A bbq, pot of new spuddies, cabbage & brocolli salad & coleslaw.
 I knew the others would bring whatever was in their fridge/garden - sure enough a green salad, a carrot salad, zuchinni and tomato salad.arrived on the table.  Oh, and I made Herb Bread too.

This followed with melon, blueberry and strawberries served with ice cream and yogurt.  Coffee and fudge followed.  Lunch lingered onto 4.30pm.

So, you can see why I'd be going for something very simple from my garden for my blip tonight!!


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