Camera Adventures

By Emma97

Best Grandad

Today has been a very special day. For a start, I had my concert with the Conservatoire Wind Band this evening, and it went very well :) I was extremely nervous beforehand but was very happy with how it went. It really was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I very much enjoyed it. I am also very grateful to all the people who had made a real effort to be there to support truly is the little things in life that mean the most :) 

We also celebrated my Grandad's 80th birthday today. We had a lovely family lunch in Glasgow with my sister and Aunty and Uncle, and I think he enjoyed having quite a few members of his family with him. He was also delighted with the iPad that we bought him (although doesn't seem to understand that it works in exactly the same way as his iPhone!) After the concert, we went for a meal at Amarone with my sister and her boyfriend, and it was lovely to spend more time together. I was also able to enjoy this meal a lot more as I wasn't nervous! 

So all in all a wonderful day :D 

Happy Birthday, Grandad! You really are the best and I love you so much xxx

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