And behind your ears

Thank you for your concerns about my day trip to Yorkshire yesterday.  I didn't set off until after ten o'clock and by then the worst of the ice had passed and the main irritation was the road works between the A38 and Sheffield.

My sister in law had cooked a lovely lunch and it was such a delight to see  my nephews and my two great-nieces (the tiniest is four and a half months and adorable). Time passed really quickly and I set off shortly before the icy conditions returned. 

Seriously cold and icy again this morning.  I fancied a walk when the pavements weren't skating rinks and, of course, I headed down to the baby cow. He's VERY lively and was close to the fence by the road. I stopped to take some shots and the guard geese spotted me and so I beat a strategic retreat.

I walked back past the field and the geese had gone elsewhere so I could take pics of a lovely fieldfare just near their feet - and a few shots of morning bathtime.

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