bigger boy

After getting him up and coaxing some food down him I didn't get to see the wingpiglet for most of the day, instead spending several hours trundling around various bits of the city with some people on bikes. As a large amount of the trundling was more sort of squelching and slipping along non-tarmac muddy paths it greatly reminded me of the sort of use to which my bicycle was frequently put as a child around the woodland paths of Parentville. There were an unfortunate two punctures amongst our number and I didn't get to see if I could keep up with the people at the front going up Kaimes Road after my chain dived between two chainrings, requiring the removal of a chainring bolt to free it up but it was worth doing and certainly worth repeating, hopefully on a less eventually sunny day so that my ears won't be at risk of getting sunburnt. As my tyres and shoes were covered in mud, my pannier covered in seagull shit and my fingers covered in chaingunk I went straight round the back when I got in, being greeted by the smiley wee boy, who consented to be hugged before he stole my keys and spent twenty minutes trying to open the padlock on the shed.

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