Northern Exposure

By Northern

Chilly blue

Blue sky? Sun?
Unbelievably cold though. Ice all over the place.

I go this message from the mad cyclist this morning not long after he had arrived at work

"Very icy in town, came off just outside library. Okay, a few scrapes and grazes so bussing it home."

Which after many years of translating the accident prone eedjit's* language probably means he's got a black eye and a broken arm. I should probably confiscate his bike until the spring... but that would be dull wouldn't it.

*Just in case you think this is a bit harsh the man has in the past managed to stab himself with the bristles of a paint brush and slash his wrist whilst hanging wallpaper. I now tend to be a bit blasé to his accidents unless he actually goes to A&E.

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