Another non-mono Monday

Another Monday, another mono conversion that didn't work. 

On Mondays, I work at our Saxonvale site, which backs onto a derelict industrial estate - a place that's good for a lovely bit of 'grot'. This particular building has an alarm on it (I have no idea why) and I did see a works van moving around the site, but it's a place that's normally deserted. It attracts vandals (one old building had to be demolished because the damage had made it so unsafe) and fly-tippers. The site's been sold on more than once, planning applications have gone in but nothing ever gets done.

I had a good play with this: I darkened the highlights, increased the contrast, added an ink outlines filter, decreased the overall saturation, increased the red saturation and finally boosted the contrast again. I particularly like the effect on the foliage.

I'll probably blip it again next Monday..

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