Prince of the Winter Vegetables!

I fell in love with this Savoy Cabbage when I saw it at the supermarket this morning. Isn't it divine??

Great day - bit of a sleep in (8am-ish); watched the end of some important football game with Dave which was live here from about 6.30 am and he had got up to watch; pottered around; went to supermarket (one of those days where there was hardly anyone there but we all kept getting in one another's way); nice lunch featuring homemade bread rolls; long walk around the Halswell Domain where there was so much going on - the trains were all going and giving heaps of kids rides, there were model boats on the lake, model planes in the sky... We have just got home and Dave is washing his car and I will go out and do mine when he is done.

Monday tomorrow but with four days off, I feel quite ready for it!

More on Savoys if you are interested.

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