~Look over there~

The girls were looking at a branch that was floating above the falls. After a bit Emilie saw a very fine fishing line that it was hanging from. It was pretty cool looking.
We had a great day walking through Whatcom Falls park and looking at all the fish in the hatchery. We then came home made cookies, cooked dinner. I taught Emilie how to play King's corner and Black Jack. She won $17.00 for their piggy Bank. We save all our spare change and extra bills. Last count we had 90 some dollars. When we count what's in there now we should be adding another 30 dollars. When we save enough were going to spend it on a special day.  We actually have a jar with folded papers with a different idea on each one. We will pick one idea from the jar and spend our money on that choice.
We also played Bingo and made cards for their Dad who will be have surgery tomorrow. I didn't get the kids home until 9:30 tonight. Way to late for a school night. I don't know where the time goes when they are here. 

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