
By memento


We can't sleep so we're watching music videos. She can't take her eyes off Adele.

I have to be up and in high energy mode in five hours for an intense little game session with my pint-sized friend before taking him to "school". And I must remember that I must nevay evay kiss him in his little neck again because after all, he's a big boy now. Sigh.

Oh no, I just stumbled upon "the making of Dr. Zhivago" on TCM.

2:07am. There's the first yawn, finally.

For the sake of recording keeping I have to add a bit, since my entire day lay ahead of me when I posted this. Through pure perseverance  I was able to create a very complicated traced file in Illustrator from a miniscule (inspirational) PNG provided by my client. I manipulated this file into a 74 x 78 inch PS canvas with complex overlays, prepping it for output on various textiles that will become a collaged, commissioned artwork, slated to hang in a casino in Macau, China. That's awesome, it makes the single hair on my head that I didn't pull out today, so totally worth it.

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