Planko's Pics

By planko


Today ended better than it started. Seems to be a trend this weekend and its Mrs P's Range related!

Was away fishing the River Tummel today in search of Grayling. Took Mrs P's 4x4 (as usual). Got to the top of the hill on the A9 just before Dunkeld and the car started shutting down systems. First to go was ABS, then power steering, everything started lighting up. Basically not enough battery power so the ECU shuts down systems to try and keep running. Arghhh!

Managed to get into Layby13 but nae phone signal, so had to walk back 3/4 a mile up the road in the snow to call the AA. Guy came within an hour, charged up the batter and followed me to the garage, topping up again once more when it happened again. Says its the Alternator thats gone. Same thing that happened last year, when old one went and was replaced with a brand new one. Hummmm, sale of goods act me thinks....alternator should last more than 13 months.

Still, ended well. AA guy took me home, where i put my kit in my car and drove up to meet the guys at lunchtime and at least get some fishing done. Was bitterly cold and didnt catch a thing but still a good day out.
Took the wee camera, managed to catch this stunning view of the hills behind Pitlochry covered in snow.


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