The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist

Trung & Hung

I was lying in a hammock in the remote north-east of the island (it's a hard life) and two Vietnamese guys, Trung and Hung, asked me to join their table for some watermelon. They only spoke a few words of English but with the help of Google Translate we chatted for about an hour. They bought me a beer and even paid for my ice coffee. I tried repeatedly to pay but they wouldn't let me.

The guy on the left tried on my sunglasses and asked if he could keep them. Normally I would have as they were only cheap but it took ages for me to find a good pair that fit my large head without breaking (I went through five pairs in the first few weeks of this trip because they eventually snapped) so I had to translate "I have a big head".

In Vietnam I've met some of the kindest, friendliest people (but also some of the rudest). Today is the 100th day of my trip and these guys made it special.

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