Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Euston, we have a problem

You don't realise how important that little chip imbedded in bit of plastic is until it's gone.

The implications of not having debit or credit cards include: not being able to pay congestion charge or parking in Westminster (both done via sms using my card);  not getting hold of train tickets I have already paid for from the ticket machine (because you need that little chip to verify your identity/existence).

Luckily my passport and Press card do the trick at the station and I got my tickets, however I am unable to make banking transfers.

Interestingly, the only solution to fiscal immobility my bank came up with was for me to write a cheque. I had a massive fight last year because the banks wanted to phase out this 'antiquated' technology. Now it's the only way I can function.

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