
As Euan & Eve were coming up this afternoon, MaggieD unearthed an old bag of Lego bits. W still have to be a bit careful as these bits are quite small and Eve may get hold of them. And again so might Rona!
Great fun was had, a castle gateway was built complete with drawbridge. But I think I can forecast the acquisition of more Lego bits before too long.
Eve also had loads of fun with "baby" and her little pushchair.
Ali, sadly didn't join us, she is loaded with the cold and stayed home to have a little r and r.
Also we had a little excitement when we "rescued" a couple of runaway dogs. MaggieD spotted the two dogs belonging to a neighbour but without said neighbour! A quick dash out with the spare leash and the two dogs came over quite happily to say hello and were nabbed. A few minutes later and neighbour and dogs were reunited to the great relief of all.

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