
By analogconvert13

Rare Jewel. Leitz Telyt-V 200mm.

I'll be quite honest:  I'm grumpy about this Blip.  Mt. Auburn Cemetery beckoned to me again.  Went to my usual spot and sat for a while.  Along came a pair of Blue Jays and a pair of Red Cardinals.  Very excited, jumped out of the car hot for the chase.  Hid myself behind the trunk of a huge old oak hoping they'd come closer since they were about 25 feet away.  Too far even for 400mm equivalent of focal length.  Then a groundsman drove by and they were gone.  To add insult to injury, I must have looked weird lurking behind a tree because he was followed shortly afterwards by a black sedan with a dude checking me out and talking on his cell.  They'd ruined my shot and I glared at the dude.  So what I have here is a huge crop of a tiny bird in the distance and he's not even in optimal focus...  Where were the Blip Gods today when I needed them?!

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