Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Not really feeling up to blipping today, so here is Misty which I took this morning on our walk on the frozen marsh.  Its quite rare that she sits still like this, I only took a couple of shots and this is the best one.

Car all sorted and hire car in driveway, its huge!!  They said they would give me a car the same size as mine but I think what they should have said is the one we've given you is all we've got :)  Its very nice to drive though.  Mine should be ready by Wednesday next week.  Apparently it will also be valeted, woo hoo, so pleased about that.

Well am still feeling very rough, cold much worse today so a day indoors tomorrow after walking Misty.  Fire is lit and laying on sofa for rest of evening so switching laptop off :)

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